A Week in Buenos Aires

A Week in Buenos Aires
Typical Buenos Aires Architecture

We finally made it to South America!! Landing in Buenos Aires on 1 Dec 2024. 

The first couple of days we spent time familiarising ourselves with the ways of Argentina. Unsurprisingly the biggest challenge to date has been the language barrier. We spent our first couple of nights in an AirBnB, and moved on to a hostel after that where we met some cool people, exchanging numbers with the hopes of seeing them further in our travels. 

Us looking fresh on day 1 (it will be interesting to see the difference in 6 months)
Lucas and the Argentinian flag
San Telmo suburb, where our hostel was located

We spent a lot of our time in Buenos Aires roaming the streets, attempting to get money out, exploring the supermarkets, and finding places to eat within budget. Some key areas we visited and activities included:

  • Museo Histórico Nacional del Cabildo (Historical Museum). 
  • Tigre, a suburb on the outskirts of Buenos Aires. We visited the Museo de Arte Tigre. 
  • La Boca, a suburb in Buenos Aires. This suburb has very interesting history, explaining the reason for the colourful buildings. Not to be roamed at night time apparently.  

During our time in Buenos Aires we also had a free 1-hour tango lesson, we are basically pro’s now. We learnt the history of tango before watching it in an outside courtyard surrounded by restaurants. Tango originates from La Boca. 

We ate A LOT of empeñadas, they are everywhere! And cheap! Our favourite meal was this Choripan (chorizo in bread, with salsa’s). We found out about this place from a local during our pub crawl the night before.

Overall Buenos Aires has been a great starting point for our 6-month adventure. Besides from the hectic traffic, loud noises, and weird smells, it’s a city packed full of culture different to anywhere else!

P.S. read Lucas’s blogs if you want more detail on everything.. 

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